Legislator Takes Aim At Elon Musk's Flamethrower

As reports of Elon Musk receiving thousands and thousands of orders for a Boring Company Flamethrower, at least one California legislator is moving to make sure people won't actually get their hands on the device. Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) issued a statement saying he will introduce legislation to block sale of the invention to the public. Santiago, in a statement, said that despite a possibility that Musk's flamethrower is just an "elaborate April's Fool Joke", the idea of thousands of people wandering around with flamethrowers is a "complete slap in the face" to the State of California and the County and City of Los Angeles and its trust in Musk in helping to alleviate the traffic problem through The Boring Company's tunneling efforts. Santiago said that "we don't allow people to walk in off the street and purchase military grade tanks or armor-piercing ammunition" and that he cannot "even being to imagine the problems a flamethrower would case firefighters and police officers alike." In the meantime, Elon Musk has changed his profile description on Twitter to "Zombie Defender".