Tuesday, December 30, 2014

AMPL Labs Rolls Out Backpack For The Gadget Geek
Are you the ultimate gadget geek, wondering how you are going to haul that giant pile of electronics you got for the holidays around? A San Diego-based startup, AMPL Labs, has the gear for you--a smartphone-connected, mobile charging backpack which lets you plug in all of your electronic devices directly into an on-board charger. The backpack includes seven (7) USB connections, and lets you know what your state of charge is through a mobile app, monitors the temperature of the backpack, and more (More info...)
posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2014(Full story)

CheckAlt Powers Payments For CardCash.com
Los Angeles-based electronic payment technology provider CheckAlt is powering e-check payments for secondary gift card marketplace CardCash.com, the two said Monday. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed. The two said that the deal will enable customers to purchase gift cards on CardCash.com using CheckAlt's e-check technology. The companies said the use of e-checks saves a significant amount of money in transaction fees; as a result, CardCash.com is offering up a 2 percent discount o (More info...)
posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2014(Full story)